On Cockroaches: Or, Everything is Fine!
Cartooning and Dislocation in the Story of M.

27 May 2004, 6-8 pm

LMU Munich
Room L 155, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Oettingenstraße 67
80538 München

In this talk, I aim to tell the story of M., a renowned Iranian cartoonist living in exile. It will be a confusing yet (hopefully) productive story. Confusing, because there are many versions of it, along with recurring irritations and entanglements. Productive, because these very versions, irritations and entanglements point to important aspects of the past decades and contemporary society in Iran and the Iranian diaspora. I consider them as entry points for a study of dislocation, attempting to grasp the reach and the horizons of political engagement by Iranians in the diaspora. This talk originates from a collaboration between an anthropologist and an artist.